From Life began broadcasting in May 2011; It is a live weekly program prepared and presented by Amal Suleiman, and it deals with various spiritual and social topics related to our daily life. The program aims to confront and change our thoughts and help improve our relationships with others. By getting close to God, we are challenged to renew our minds, correct our false beliefs, reflect on the practices we have learned in our cultures, and work through our problems. Some of the important topics and issues discussed in the program include social issues, female circumcision, sexual harassment, destiny, witchcraft, homosexuality, principles, marriage goals, addiction, pornography, parenthood, atheism, and infidelity.

What is new in the US Immigration Law after the return | الجديد في قوانين الهجرة بعد العودة

Episode guest: Attorney Hani Bushra

The Crisis of a Minister (Servant) | أزمة الخادم

Episode guest: Pastor Freddy Saleh

Leadership Skills | مهارات القيادة

Episode guest: Brother Amgad George

The continuity of Marriage | الإستمرارية في الزواج

Episode guest: Dr. Haidy Hanna

How can we change reality? | إزاي نقدر نغيّر الواقع؟

Episode guest: Dr. Rev. Raif Azab

The Foundation of a Successful Family | أساس العيلة الناجحة

Episode guest: Brother Sami Gibrayel

Covid-19 and the thought of poverty and the poverty of thought | كورونا وفكر الفقر وفقر الفكر

Episode guest: Brother Sameh Edward

Evangelism during the Covid-19 Era | الكرازة في زمن كورونا

Episode guest: Pastor Maher Makkar

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn | طوبى للحزانى

Episode guest: Elder Youssef Nathan

The impact of Media and Its relation to human and society | تأثير الميديا وعلاقتها بالإنسان والمجتمع

Episode guest: Pastor Magdy Girgis