How to know you are mature | كيف تعرف أنك ناضج؟

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

The most important drug treatment in medicine | أهم علاج دوائي في الطب

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

Harmful relationships … How do you know and when to end them? | العلاقات الضارة… كيف تعرفها ومتى تنهيها؟

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

Treating Depression Without Medication (Part 2) | علاج الإكتئاب بدون أدوية (جزء 2)

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

Treating Depression Without Medication (Part 1) | علاج الإكتئاب بدون أدوية (جزء 1)

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

How to get smart? | كيف تصبح ذكياً؟

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

Stuttering… its definition, causes and treatment | التلعثم … تعريفه وأسبابه وعلاجه

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

The rules of people’s love and admiration (Part 2) | قواعد حب وإعجاب الناس (جزء 2)

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

The rules of people’s love and admiration (Part 1) | قواعد حب وإعجاب الناس (جزء 1)

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

The most important rules of memory and the power of concentration (Part 2) | أهم قواعد الذاكرة وقوة التركيز (جزء 2)

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

The most important rules of memory and the power of concentration (Part 1) | أهم قواعد الذاكرة وقوة التركيز (جزء 1)

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling

Neuropathy Treatment | علاج إلتهاب الأعصاب

Preparation : Dr. Magdi Isaac, PhD in psychiatry and counseling