Prophecy and healing | النبوة والشفاء

Preparation and presentation: Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Years of the Lord’s work in the program | سنوات من عمل الرب في البرنامج

Preparation and presentation: Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Keys to healing | مفاتيح الشفاء

Preparation and presentation: Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Gifts of the Spirit and healing | مواهب الروح والشفاء

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Show the spirit for the benefit | إظهار الروح للمنفعة

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Healing from wounds of the past | الشفاء من جروح الماضي

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Healing from the past | الشفاء من الماضي

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

How can I take a step to heal? | كيف أتخذ خطوة لكي أُشفى؟

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Job’s friends and disease | أصحاب أيوب والمرض

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Did God allow the trial of Job? | هل سمح الله بتجربة أيوب؟

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Was healing temporary? | هل كان الشفاء مؤقت؟

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya

Healing service objections (Part 2) | اعتراضات خدمة الشفاء (جزء 2)

Preparation and presentation : Sister Yvonne and Dr. Mina Atiya