“I’ve been watching Alkarma for a while now, and today I decided to call and ask about this Jesus you keep talking about. I want to know more!” After a trained counselor explained more about Jesus, they prayed together and he accepted Christ. He then shared, “I will read the Bible, and I will continue to call you so I can understand it more and so you can pray with me!"

“I have been living away from God. After watching your programs, I called in, you prayed with me, God healed my soul and I surrendered my life again to Him! I thank the Lord for using the prayer group at AlKarma to bring me back to Jesus.”

Letter from a MBB
“I would like to thank you from all my heart for the light that radiates from your channel and your blessed programs, especially the program (I am not an infidel) and the program of Brother Rachid, which influenced my conversion from Islam to Christ. Your programs enlightened our minds to see Christ and cast out the darkness that has lived in our society for 1400 years.”
God uses Alkarma TV to save and heal the hearts of many throughout the world. The follow-up team of trained counsellors receives more than 9,000 phone calls, letters and e-mails each month. These often include prayer requests, stories of healings and life-changing testimonials. Our staff encourages, prays with and leads people to Christ! Here are a few of those stories.

“Thank you so much for your unbelievable work for Christ. Your channel challenges me to become a better person. I pray that Jesus helps you to continue to be a candle that lights every home around the world.”

Jenny Jabar Aziz - Iraq
“We see comfort in your programs in these difficult times, and among the programs that we enjoy: Strength in the quiet time, Let's Praise and all the worship songs. May God bless you to be a blessing to the world.”