Why we believe in four Gospels instead of one? | لماذا نؤمن بأربعة أناجيل بدلاً من واحد؟
Episode guest: Pastor Maher Makar
Marriage in the Recovery Room | الزواج في غرفة الإنعاش
Episode guest: Pastor Dr. Elia Maurice
Is the God of the Old Testament killing children and ripping pregnant women? | هل إله العهد القديم يقتل الأطفال ويشق الحوامل؟
Episode guest: Dr. Halim Hassaballah
God’s Plan for the Family | | خطة الله للعائلة
Episode guests: Pastor Kato Daoud and Sister Christine Daoud
Bullying… Did Christ suffer from it? (Part 1) | | التنمر… هل عانى المسيح منه؟ (جزء 1)
Episode guest: Pastor Gobran George
Possession Generation, Surprises from Heaven (Part 6) | | جيل الإمتلاك, مفاجآت السما (جزء 6)
Episode guests: Pastor Adel Saad and Professor Samia Kamli
Genesis.. Facts or legends? (Part 1) | سفر التكوين.. حقائق أم أساطير؟ (جزء 1)
Episode guest: Dr. Nagy Eskandar
The message of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians | رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل أفسس
Episode guest: Brother Hany Gad El Said
Our latest news at Alkarma TV | آخر أخبارنا في قناة الكرمة
Prepared and presented by Brother Mazen Batarseh
The gates of hell won’t prevail against it | وأبواب الجحيم لن تقوى عليها
Episode guest: Brother Sami Gibrayel
Receiving the Spirit or Being Fulfilled in the Spirit or Both? | اقبلوا الروح أم امتلئوا بالروح أم كليهما؟
Episode guest: Pastor Dr. Nashed Ghaly