This is a complete program that discusses the various aspects of the spiritual life, prepared and presented by Sister Salwa William and Sister Lydia Maher, as they address informed questions with their distinguished guests of well-known pastors and ministers.

Crossing to a swimming river that cannot be crossed | العبور إلى نهر سباحة لا يُعبر

Episode guest: Pastor Issam Haddad

Eagle’s Wings | أجنحة النسور

Episode guest: Pastor Alex Hanna

Will Heal You From Your Scars, “The Lord Says” | أشفيك من جروحك يقول الرب

Episode guest: Pastor Alex Hanna

He who overcomes, Inherits everything | من يغلب يرث كل شئ

Episode guest: Pastor Issam Haddad

Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones? | أفلا ينصف الله مختاريه؟

Episode guest: Pastor Issam Haddad

You show me the ways of life | تعرفني سبل الحياة

Episode guest: Pastor Alex Hanna

All They Do Prospers | كل ما يصنعه ينجح

Episode guest: Pastor Issam Haddad

The Freedom of the Glory of God’s Children | حرية مجد أولاد الله

Episode guest: Pastor Alex Hanna

How to Quench the Emptiness in You? | كيف تروي فراغ نفسك؟

Episode guest: Pastor Issam Haddad

House and wealth are inheritance from parents | البيت والثروة ميراث من الآباء

Episode guest: Pastor Alex Hanna