The Voice of Muslim Background Believers began broadcasting in October 2018. It is a pioneering weekly live program prepared and presented by Nora Muhammad - a former Muslim - that enables our hearts to hear millions of our brothers and sisters all around the world. You will hear the voice of victory, the voice of suffering, and the voice calling. Through this program, you will feel close to them by understanding their challenges, needs, and great faith. Their stories will live with them. Through this program, thousands will receive spiritual, social and financial support

The world gone crazy about Muslim women wearing trousers (Part 2) | ضجيج الكون في لبس المسلمة للبنطلون (جزء 2)

Episode guest: Sister Dorra Al-Masri

We are all Muslim Background Believers in Christ | كلنا عابرون للمسيح

Episode guest: Brother Nasser Huneidi

The world gone crazy about Muslim women wearing trousers (Part 1) | ضجيج الكون في لبس المسلمة للبنطلون (جزء 1)

Episode guest: Sister Dorra Al-Masri

Who is in Mohammad’s Tomb? | من الذي في قبر محمد؟

Episode guest: Brother Shant

Shahrayar of Islam – (Part 8) | شهريار الإسلام (جزء 8)

Episode guest: Sister Zainab

A dream wake me up | أيقظني حلم

Episode guest: Brother Khalil

Christ freed me from magic and Legal Ruqyah | المسيح حرّرني من السحر والرقية الشرعية

Episode guest: Sister Maryam

Sister Aya: “Knowing Christ changed my life” | الأخت آية: معرفة المسيح غيرت حياتي

Episode guest: Sister Aya MBB

A Journey in the mind of an Ex-Muslim brother (Part 2) | جولة في عقل إخواني سابق (جزء2)

Episode guest: Brother Fady MBB

Rawan Left God of Islam and Its Prophet | روان تركت إله الإسلام ورسوله

Episode guest: Sister Rawan - MBB from Egypt